
On August 28th, 2024, YIMBYs for Harris raised more than $130,000 for the Harris Victory Fund with more than 30,000 viewers and over 75 guest stars, including:

Governor Wes Moore

of Maryland

“We made the choice to put housing front-and-center this year because we know this issue can’t wait. We introduced the most comprehensive housing package of any Maryland administration in recent history – and we were unapologetic about it.”

Governor Jared Polis

of Colorado

“In many ways, the lack of housing is a completely contrived problem. It's a problem of our own making. And we can unleash and remove barriers to significantly more opportunities for housing.”

Senator Brian Schatz

of Hawaii

“Fixing the housing shortage starts at an obvious place. To have more housing, we need to make it easier to build it. We’re going to have to be the party of construction. We’re going to have to be the party of breaking ground.”

Congressman Maxwell Frost

of Florida

“We can fully realize that, in this country, having a roof over your head and housing should be a human right. But we can’t just talk about it. We have to make sure that, as a federal government, we have leadership at the top that believes we need to get rid of things like exclusionary zoning laws and parking minimums which keep us from being able to build affordable housing and high density housing in our communities, so people can live live near opportunity.”

Mayor London Breed

of San Francisco

“America is not a museum. We protect some places for historical reasons, but cities are valuable because of their people, and in order to serve and protect those people and to make sure they have a safe affordable place to call home, all roads lead to housing.”

State Senator Scott Wiener

of California

“We’re winning the argument on housing: That we will solve the housing crisis only when we build an enormous number of new homes. YIMBYism — more homes, more public transportation, more clean energy, more of all the good stuff — is absolutely the future.”

and many more, including…

Tesho Akindele

Nick Allen

Yassamin Ansari

Toni Atkins

Burhan Azeem

Marc Berman

Nate Blouin

Ellie Boldman

Rob Bonta

Zac Bowling

Lisa Brown

Stacy Cay

Maureen Coffey

Sheena Collum

Dave Cortese

Jake Day

Ray Delahanty

Paul Dillon

Daryl Fairweather

Laura Foote

Laura Friedman

Steven Fulop

Robert Garcia

Annemarie Gray

Tim Grayson

Omari Hardy

Denny Heck

Nigel Herbig

Anna Hernandez

Jeremiah Johnson

Olivia Julianna

Melanie Kebler

Kitty Klitzke

Jed Leano

Alex Lee

Mark Levine

Sarah Liguori

Rachel May

Adele McClure

Tim Miller

Analise Ortiz

Colin Parent

Scott Peters

Brittany Pettersen

Zo Qadri

Satya Rhodes-Conway

Saddam Salim

Joe Sangirardi

Brooks Schandelmeier

Andy Schor

Ramit Sethi

Tony Simone

Nancy Skinner

Noah Smith

Ryan Sorenson

Phil Ting

Sonja Trauss

Schuyler VanValkenburg

Andy Vargas

Daniel Volland

Chris Ward

Joi Washington

Buffy Wicks

Matt Yglesias

Zack Zappone

The Nimbee